Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Have I lost my mind?

I seem to have signed on for several KALs (Knit-a-longs for you Muggles) and now find I am having to keep up with them. This wasn't so difficult at the beginning, but as time marches on there are more and more stitches that need to be knit for every single row.  That would be every row x 3 projects.  You might be wondering how this didn't occur to me when I started them.  Well, it didn't.  Well maybe it flitted through somewhere, but it wasn't waving a flag or holding a big arrow or painted yellow, so I ignored it.

So why am I stopping to type this (you may well ask)?  I need a break from that taskmaster and fool that I seem to have lodged somewhere in my head.  That is the voice that urges me forward and onward and has no concept of the time and space continuum out here on the earth.  It lives in a womb of its own somewhere in my head and loves to make me crazy sometimes so it can giggle at me.  The big giggle at the moment is that these KALs are all lace on small needles.  Some stashbuster, eh?

Since Rachel is getting married and has chosen our Annual Egg Hunt for her Meet the Happy Couple reception, we have ratcheted up the our expectation of how this place should look.  There has been digging, dragging, wheelbarrowing, decision making and all kinds of stuff going on here.  It has all added up to hard work so it is going slowly. Sustained hard physical labor has never been a goal of this family so it is no surprise that progress is slow.  (Besides, I have all those stitches to knit.)

All the dogs got out today when the gate blew open in some heavy winds.  I was pretty surprised that none of them seemed all that interested in chasing sheep.  They were more interested in all the great sniffs.  We have had coyotes and a mountain lion cruising through the property recently and that keep the dogs busy tracking down the smells.

Considering what the dogs eat when they are running about, I am dumbfounded when they won't eat their dog food.  How could dog food taste worse than horse shit?  And why does rolling in the sheep stall make you smell better than shampoo?  Just a couple of Life's Big Questions.


  1. hooray! A post!

    Now I will have to post, post haste.

  2. KALs and the mysteries of dogs; you've got plenty to keep you busy! LOL

    I wanted to stop by to return the blog visit and thank you for that tidbit on broody hens and chicks. Brilliant! We would like to raise more Barred Hollands, but your idea would be a great way to get at least some Buff Orps, of which I can find chicks locally.
